Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Few people know that Jeremiah was much more than a prophet.  He tends to get lumped in with Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the so many others, for out of every generation their has been the remnant found.  Jeremiah, has changed the face of history, yes the entire world.

Jeremiah's commission has always a puzzled to scholars.   Only G-D of Heaven and Earth could give the answers to this puzzle.   And to hear or see G-D one must go to G-D alone in the hidden part, and keep the law that was given Moses written on both sides----as it is in heaven so shall it be done on earth---war on sin, for G-D'S name is WARRIOR---EX. 3:15.   And is it not written:  Psalm 57:2  I cry out to G-D Most High, to G-D, who fulfills His purpose for me.

What is your purpose, do you "know" it?   And why was it a puzzle for those who spent hours and years in deep study, and wrote so many books, volumes on just one subject, why did they not see??

Ecclesiastes 12:12   And  further, by these      My son(a child male or female that is given their second breath the Almighty G-D of heaven and earth, when G-D , gave them His blessings and covering the remnant and the eternal kiss of life in the G-D of Host, our LIVING G-D of HEAVEN AND EARTH.) .....MY son,  be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and MUCH STUDY IS A WEARINESS OF THE FLESH.

Only G-D can teach or let you  "KNOW".   Psalm 51:6       " OUR DWELLING PLACE" Ps 90:1    "THE LORD WILL PROVIDE"   Gen. 22:14      "CAPSTONE OUR TRUE FOUNDATION STONE" Ps. 118:22-23  

Ecclesiastes 12:13   Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:   FEAR G-D,  and  KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS   for is the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN.

To know about the trip go to    Jeremiah and Tea Tephi.

There is a sight:   Jeremiah's Tomb 

The Book of Tephi, Queen of Tara and Gibraltar   edited and explained by JAH 

By the marriage of the Tribe of Judah and Dan.   Judah, the tribe of the KING MESSIAH.   Genesis 49:8-10  Judah, thou  art he whom thy brethren shall praise:   thy hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies; they Father's children shall bow down before thee.   Judah is a lion's whelp:  form the prey, My son, thou art gone up:  he stooped down, he crouched as  a lion, and as an old lion.   who shall rose him up?   The scepter shall not depart form Judah, nor a lawgiver form between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

We can do nothing good within our selves, but throw G-D of heaven and earth working through us can we do good, for the glory of G-D our KING AND REDEEMER AND SAVIOUR, THE ROCK, THE HIGH MOUNTAIN ON HIGH, OUR DWELLING PLACE, OUR TEMPLE AND THE TENT OF THE TABERNACLE OF G-D.

We are the name sake of the LORD G-D when we labor in the earth putting sin out.  Gen. 27:27  we are the sons of G-D that the blessings and the bread of heaven are given and the covering, the raiment that is put on us here on earth so that while we labor putting sin out of us with the help of G-D who guides us and leads us, will cover our many sins, until the labor is finished.

Genesis 27:27  And He came near, and kissed him:  He smelled the smell of his raiment, and blessed him, and said,   See,   the smell of MY son is as the smell of a field which the LORD hath blessed:

Genesis 28:20 And Jacob vowed a vow,  saying,   If G-D will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,  verse 21,   So that I come again to my Father's house in peace then   shall the LORD be my G-D.

Note: the words darkened in these verses:   SEE and HEAR G-D OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, and know the everlasting covenant of day and night our foundation stone.   Our foundation stone preceded the  creation of the world, and was the one from which the world evolved, where as Jacob's stone was put by him in it's place, as it is written:  " and the stone which I have put", also,   "And he took the stone that he had put under his head."   IS OUR STONE OF OUR DESTINY.      To return, to the house of G-D and place our self's down on the TEMPLE THAT THE SPIRIT OF G-D IS MAKING READY IN THE QUARRY OF EARTH.

1 KINGS 6:7  AND THE HOUSE, WHEN IT WAS IN BUILDING, WAS BUILT OF STONE MADE READY BEFORE IT WAS BROUGHT THITHER;   ( brought thither: the declare decree: Psalm 2:7 and the appointed daysss that cooome in every generation for the seeds that G-D sow in the house of Israel and Judah with the seed of man, and beast, to use their gift of heaven that was provided them, to make a free-will offering and burn it on the flame of heaven that now burns day and night keeping sin out , we light our desire from the burning desire from the very heart of G-D for us to return as G-D first created us, in the mirror image--man--male and female, having One G-D and one people.

1 Kings 6:7 And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.

We here on earth, are the stones being made ready for the Temple of G-D in the House of G-D in the Kingdom of G-D, but before we labor in the field, we move freely, we keep the everlasting covenant of day and night, we watch over the flame of our desire not letting sin take it out, we are engraved with the law of heaven and earth, that law that was written on both sides that Moses and all generations broke due to their embrace of sin.   We have the law, the documents of heaven and earth, we are the Tent, the TABERNACLE OF DAVID, THAT G-D RISES UP IN ALL GENERATIONS, THE REMNANT, THE RED THREAD, OF JUDAH AND DAN.

We allow the our KING our MESSIAH to come to earth, we are the vessel, that G-D of heaven and earth uses to bring in PEACE TO ALL.   We are ridding on the donkey, for the seed of Dan is seeded in us, and they were not a full seed of G-D, the seed was mixed.    A donkey, comes form a ass and horse.   So, our G-D Most High rides the donkey, and brings in our Salvation, through us that labor in the field putting sin out as it is in heaven on earth.

Isaiah 9: 6 For unto Us(G-D of Heaven and Earth)  a child (male or female) is born, unto Us a son is given :   and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.

We are to SET G-D AS A SEAL UPON OUR HEARTS, this all the names of G-D written on us-G-D WITH US.

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JEREMIAH 31:27 & 32:27