We believe in angels that are good well believe there angels here on earth that are bad. We seem to blame G-D for all that happens to us. Time to open our eyes and see they walk among us. They been here as longer than us upon the earth. Religions of this world have been Set Up by the angels that fell form G-D'S grace. Governments, nations all that Rules this earth is their system. Look at my other blogs to go more in dept. (http://daughtereponymous.wordpress.com/ & http://thechildrenoftherainbow.blogspot.com/
Religions tell us Jacob was wrestling with G-D, some say it was an angel that served G-D. The angel was Satan the same angel that Job had come and accuse him, of his sins. This same angel came to Jacob and stood before him presenting his wrong over and over telling Jacob of all his sins. Jacob's sins are now seen before him. In the time we are living we are now seeing our sins. Sin of each nation, in government and all walks of life, we have walked blindly in error. We are seeing today were it has lead us, our many sins have lead us to this day. We are looking the sins of our fathers before us and the next generation will be looking at ours.
Why because what we are struggling with is the same ONE Jacob wrestle with Satan the fallen one. There are many fallen ones as there many of us on this earth. The fallen have had many generations to set up TRAPS to HUNT us down. Sin comes wrapped up in so many different looks. The BIGGER PLAN, is to have G-D'S anger come and destroy the earth, we are flesh and blood they are spirit and can live here. In the book of Isaiah 28:15 they set up a covenant of death & hell that they think will stand as G-D'S covenant holds the world in place.
Isaiah 28:15 Because YE have said, we have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE SHALL PASS THROUGH, it shall not come unto us: for we have made LIES our REFUGE, and UNDER FALSEHOOD have we HID ourselves:
We are to keep the COVENANT of G-D it is what bridges us together with G-D. With out the covenant we can not return, back in the spiritual world. This flesh, is not all that is, we think we know all things, once are people thought the world was flat. G-D calls us seeds to let us know there is more growing we have to do. The growing of a child in the mother starts with her seed.
Jeremiah 33:25 Thus saith the LORD; "IF" MY COVENANT be not with DAY and NIGHT, and "IF" I have not Appointed THE ORDINANCES of HEAVEN and EARTH;
Jeremiah 33:26 Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob and David My servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be RULERS over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause THEIR CAPTIVITY TO RETURN, AND HAVE MERCY ON THEM.
They gave G-D a their covenant of death and hell that they think will stand.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS, against THE RULERS OF DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.
They set THEIR traps in schools lower and higher levels to do mind control. To later use this tool against the world, nations, governments and so on. Movies, to take your children's young minds and hearts on the path they have set for them. Drawing on history evidence of wars, religions wars we can see them pulling the trigger. Wars, manipulate stock markets and interest rates, maintain class distinctions, and even news. It go on and on and on. David seen them in his n own time, in his nation. But David always called upon the LORD our G-D to lead, David out , David stated they were too strong and it was G-D that held him up in protecting him form them.
Psalm 18:17 He delivered me form my strong enemy (sin), and form THEM (the fallen angels) which HATED me: for THEY were TOO STRONG for me.
18 THEY ---prevented ---me in the day of my ---calamity:--- BUT THE LORD WAS MY STAY.
They are here today in our day of calamity, nations are going down, and so with nations the people.
But G-D states He knows us before we are in our mother's womb. We are the GENERATION OF HARD KNOCKS, WE KICK BACK, WE TAKE HOLD AND WILL NOT LET GO, WE WILL FIGHT!
But like Job and Jacob we can not see the enemy that is doing this to us, and we are wrestling with it.
We must not let go, this is our world, and it will not be taken form us, and we are going home to G-D. Like Jacob, due to sin he was at war with his brother, well in every nation we have not been looking out for our brothers house, and we are far form our FATHER'S HOUSE IN HEAVEN. Jacob sin was taking form his brother what was rightfully his, and because of this sin many years of war and not going to his fathers house. We are like Jacob, our sins are against brothers of this world, and we have not seen our Fathers Dwelling Place on earth for generations. We have not in truth visited the TRUE HOUSE OF G-D UPON THIS EARTH. We are the TENT, the TABERNACLE OF G-D made with His own hands, that G-D provided for us.
Psalm 90:1 LORD, Thou hast been our DWELLING PLACE in all generations. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or even THOU hadst formed the earth and the world, even form everlasting to everlasting, THOU ART G-D.
Religions: have built all kinds of houses and called them after god, it is the work of mankind's hands, using the plans of Devils, the same that set up BABYLON and dragged it through all our generations to this day.
Jeremiah 32;33 And they have TURNED unto ME the BACK, and not the FACE: though I taught them, rising up early and TEACHING them, yet they have not HEARKENED to RECEIVE --INSTRUCTION.--
Jeremiah 32:34 BUT they set their ABOMINATIONS in the --house,-- which ("they built") is called by MY NAME, to DEFILE IT.
This is were we WALK IN ERROR. The House of G-D is within us, We are the TENT covered with skin, that has the covenant written on both sides, Jer.33:35 we are to keep it DAY & NIGHT, and in Isaiah 27:3 G-D does keep it; NIGHT & DAY on the reverse side. Jeremiah 33:25 the appointed ordinances of heaven and earth, is when a child of earth again turns back to G-D, and takes hold of G-D'S hand and not let go, the Oath is given form us to G-D and G-D has given us His Oath, when we receive and keep the covenant. The growing in the earth were G-D Spirit remains, we are in the Womb of G-D our true DWELLING PLACE, of worship and prayer, were we bring all things and learn in life form G-D our ONE TEACHER, OUR ONE G-D OUR ONE SAVIOUR, OUR DELIVER AND REDEEMER. read Isaiah 45:18,21,22 G-D states there is NO NONE BESIDE HIM.
Jeremiah 10:1 to 18 read we have in every country and every nation held up our rituals and customs above G-D TABERNACLE. we called G-D not by the Name G-D Gave Himself.
Jeremiah 10:19 WOE is ME for MY HURT! ( we did this, we must repent and again turn back) .....MY WOUND is GRIEVOUS: but I said, TRULY this is a GRIEF, and I must BEAR IT.
Jeremiah 10:20 MY TABERNACLE IS SPOILED, and all MY CORDS are broken: MY children are GONE forth form ME, and they are NOT: there is NONE to STRETCH FORTH ----MY----TENT---ANY MORE, and to SET UP MY CURTAINS.
We are G-D Cords, when we again turn back to grow in the earth in G-D'S DWELLING PLACE, like a woman has an umbilical cord, that feeds the child food, and unites them together. The CORDS are broken due to false religions the fallen have set up to hunt us down and trap us , generation after generation.
Jeremiah 32:35 And they built the HIGH PLACES of BAAL, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to CAUSE THEIR SONS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS to pass thought the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into MY MIND, that they should do this ABOMINATION, to cause JUDAH to sin.
When we give rituals and customs and a false religion to our loving young hearts in our sons and daughters we are rooting evil, and the lie and deceit, the strings of the puppet are planted. The love, they embrace will be the fire of a false religious set up, you gave them. Generation after generation the fire of this false god burns in their hearts to serve the lie and deceit and to teach it to another generation.
G-D is THE ETERNAL FLAME we are to lit our desire form, and the heaven fire we take to earth in our desire to do the will of G-D day and nigh as it is done in heaven night and day the EVER ENDING FLAME OF ETERNAL LIFE, BURNS in the holy children of G-D.
Psalm 51 read in full: Psalm 51:6 Behold, THOU --DESIREST-- * Truth --in-- the *inward parts: and --in-- the *hidden part: ( our dwelling place) THOU shalt *make me *know * Wisdom.
This is the HOUSE OF JACOB; for we are all mixture of seeds all given the Same DNA, we are given hope, and free-will to chose what likeness we want to grow in.
Jeremiah 31:27 Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.
In Jeremiah 31:27 the word DAYS COME, and come, and come and come that G-D Redeems us form THEM the fallen of heaven that add their DNA to ours and beast every day that comes and comes upon this earth. They war on G-D and us. Gen.6:4, the reason of BABYLON, they set them selves up on earth as gods, the seed of G-D was going down and more of them, than the seed of G-D grew upon the earth. In Genesis we can see the ETERNAL FLAME OF G-D passing between those hybrids, giving them all hope to chose, life in G-D or death, growing in the likeness of the fathers that fell form heaven and added their DNA to take control and to have us worship them as gods.
Genesis 15:17 And it came to pass, that when the sun went down (the light that was in man), and it was dark, BEHOLD, a SMOKING FURNACE, and a BURNING LAMP that PASSED --between--those PIECES. (those hybrids G-D sow His DNA)
This Covenant we are all to keep today: For there is only ONE COVENANT GIVEN, OVER AND OVER TO US, GENERATION AFTER GENERATION.
Deuteronomy 29:14 Neither with you ONLY do I MAKE this COVENANT and this OATH;
15, BUT with HIM that standeth here with us this DAY before the LORD our G-D, and ALSO with *HIM that IS NOT HERE WITH US--THIS DAY: ( *HIM is us today in every nation and every people we were spiritual there, for G-D knows us before we are made.)
Jeremiah 33:25 Thus saith the LORD; "IF" MY COVENANT BE NOT with DAY and NIGHT, and "IF" I HAVE NOT appointed the ORDINANCES of HEAVEN and EARTH; 26, Then will I cast away the seed of JACOB, and DAVID MY servant,
Jacob and David is the Righteous Branch that will be summoned up form the mixture of DNA in Jeremiah 31:27.
The TIME is now the DAY is TODAY, you in every country in every nation COME OUT OF HER, THE LIE AND DECEIT, they have set up to take us DOWN.
We can kick them to the curb, by first starting with our own lives, like David in Psalm 101:
With G-D going into battle we have won. THE ARK, THE TABERNACLE that David built moved and it was a tent, and David took it into battle with him. We are not made by man kinds hands, NO we are made by the HANDS OF G-D and our TENT is US, and we HAVE the POWER of G-D within US.
Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art MY BATTLE AXE and WEAPONS OF WAR: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
21 And with thee will I break in pieces THE HORSE and HIS RIDER; (the fallen angels that we wrestle with in our generation that has set up in all things to bring us down).....con....and with thee will I break in pieces THE CHARIOT and HIS RIDER.
JACOB prevailed because he was persevering and determined and SO SHOULD ALL OF US BE IN EVERY NATION AND EVERY PEOPLE.
We are many nations and the Unity each nation should have with each other is brother, to brother, taking care of their Fathers House Earth as it is in Heaven, keeping our foundations in tack. For we must bridge heaven and earth as One.
Religions tell us Jacob was wrestling with G-D, some say it was an angel that served G-D. The angel was Satan the same angel that Job had come and accuse him, of his sins. This same angel came to Jacob and stood before him presenting his wrong over and over telling Jacob of all his sins. Jacob's sins are now seen before him. In the time we are living we are now seeing our sins. Sin of each nation, in government and all walks of life, we have walked blindly in error. We are seeing today were it has lead us, our many sins have lead us to this day. We are looking the sins of our fathers before us and the next generation will be looking at ours.
Why because what we are struggling with is the same ONE Jacob wrestle with Satan the fallen one. There are many fallen ones as there many of us on this earth. The fallen have had many generations to set up TRAPS to HUNT us down. Sin comes wrapped up in so many different looks. The BIGGER PLAN, is to have G-D'S anger come and destroy the earth, we are flesh and blood they are spirit and can live here. In the book of Isaiah 28:15 they set up a covenant of death & hell that they think will stand as G-D'S covenant holds the world in place.
Isaiah 28:15 Because YE have said, we have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the OVERFLOWING SCOURGE SHALL PASS THROUGH, it shall not come unto us: for we have made LIES our REFUGE, and UNDER FALSEHOOD have we HID ourselves:
We are to keep the COVENANT of G-D it is what bridges us together with G-D. With out the covenant we can not return, back in the spiritual world. This flesh, is not all that is, we think we know all things, once are people thought the world was flat. G-D calls us seeds to let us know there is more growing we have to do. The growing of a child in the mother starts with her seed.
Jeremiah 33:25 Thus saith the LORD; "IF" MY COVENANT be not with DAY and NIGHT, and "IF" I have not Appointed THE ORDINANCES of HEAVEN and EARTH;
Jeremiah 33:26 Then will I cast away the seed of Jacob and David My servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be RULERS over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause THEIR CAPTIVITY TO RETURN, AND HAVE MERCY ON THEM.
They gave G-D a their covenant of death and hell that they think will stand.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against PRINCIPALITIES, against POWERS, against THE RULERS OF DARKNESS OF THIS WORLD, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.
They set THEIR traps in schools lower and higher levels to do mind control. To later use this tool against the world, nations, governments and so on. Movies, to take your children's young minds and hearts on the path they have set for them. Drawing on history evidence of wars, religions wars we can see them pulling the trigger. Wars, manipulate stock markets and interest rates, maintain class distinctions, and even news. It go on and on and on. David seen them in his n own time, in his nation. But David always called upon the LORD our G-D to lead, David out , David stated they were too strong and it was G-D that held him up in protecting him form them.
Psalm 18:17 He delivered me form my strong enemy (sin), and form THEM (the fallen angels) which HATED me: for THEY were TOO STRONG for me.
18 THEY ---prevented ---me in the day of my ---calamity:--- BUT THE LORD WAS MY STAY.
They are here today in our day of calamity, nations are going down, and so with nations the people.
But G-D states He knows us before we are in our mother's womb. We are the GENERATION OF HARD KNOCKS, WE KICK BACK, WE TAKE HOLD AND WILL NOT LET GO, WE WILL FIGHT!
But like Job and Jacob we can not see the enemy that is doing this to us, and we are wrestling with it.
We must not let go, this is our world, and it will not be taken form us, and we are going home to G-D. Like Jacob, due to sin he was at war with his brother, well in every nation we have not been looking out for our brothers house, and we are far form our FATHER'S HOUSE IN HEAVEN. Jacob sin was taking form his brother what was rightfully his, and because of this sin many years of war and not going to his fathers house. We are like Jacob, our sins are against brothers of this world, and we have not seen our Fathers Dwelling Place on earth for generations. We have not in truth visited the TRUE HOUSE OF G-D UPON THIS EARTH. We are the TENT, the TABERNACLE OF G-D made with His own hands, that G-D provided for us.
Psalm 90:1 LORD, Thou hast been our DWELLING PLACE in all generations. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or even THOU hadst formed the earth and the world, even form everlasting to everlasting, THOU ART G-D.
Religions: have built all kinds of houses and called them after god, it is the work of mankind's hands, using the plans of Devils, the same that set up BABYLON and dragged it through all our generations to this day.
Jeremiah 32;33 And they have TURNED unto ME the BACK, and not the FACE: though I taught them, rising up early and TEACHING them, yet they have not HEARKENED to RECEIVE --INSTRUCTION.--
Jeremiah 32:34 BUT they set their ABOMINATIONS in the --house,-- which ("they built") is called by MY NAME, to DEFILE IT.
This is were we WALK IN ERROR. The House of G-D is within us, We are the TENT covered with skin, that has the covenant written on both sides, Jer.33:35 we are to keep it DAY & NIGHT, and in Isaiah 27:3 G-D does keep it; NIGHT & DAY on the reverse side. Jeremiah 33:25 the appointed ordinances of heaven and earth, is when a child of earth again turns back to G-D, and takes hold of G-D'S hand and not let go, the Oath is given form us to G-D and G-D has given us His Oath, when we receive and keep the covenant. The growing in the earth were G-D Spirit remains, we are in the Womb of G-D our true DWELLING PLACE, of worship and prayer, were we bring all things and learn in life form G-D our ONE TEACHER, OUR ONE G-D OUR ONE SAVIOUR, OUR DELIVER AND REDEEMER. read Isaiah 45:18,21,22 G-D states there is NO NONE BESIDE HIM.
Jeremiah 10:1 to 18 read we have in every country and every nation held up our rituals and customs above G-D TABERNACLE. we called G-D not by the Name G-D Gave Himself.
Jeremiah 10:19 WOE is ME for MY HURT! ( we did this, we must repent and again turn back) .....MY WOUND is GRIEVOUS: but I said, TRULY this is a GRIEF, and I must BEAR IT.
Jeremiah 10:20 MY TABERNACLE IS SPOILED, and all MY CORDS are broken: MY children are GONE forth form ME, and they are NOT: there is NONE to STRETCH FORTH ----MY----TENT---ANY MORE, and to SET UP MY CURTAINS.
We are G-D Cords, when we again turn back to grow in the earth in G-D'S DWELLING PLACE, like a woman has an umbilical cord, that feeds the child food, and unites them together. The CORDS are broken due to false religions the fallen have set up to hunt us down and trap us , generation after generation.
Jeremiah 32:35 And they built the HIGH PLACES of BAAL, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to CAUSE THEIR SONS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS to pass thought the fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into MY MIND, that they should do this ABOMINATION, to cause JUDAH to sin.
When we give rituals and customs and a false religion to our loving young hearts in our sons and daughters we are rooting evil, and the lie and deceit, the strings of the puppet are planted. The love, they embrace will be the fire of a false religious set up, you gave them. Generation after generation the fire of this false god burns in their hearts to serve the lie and deceit and to teach it to another generation.
G-D is THE ETERNAL FLAME we are to lit our desire form, and the heaven fire we take to earth in our desire to do the will of G-D day and nigh as it is done in heaven night and day the EVER ENDING FLAME OF ETERNAL LIFE, BURNS in the holy children of G-D.
Psalm 51 read in full: Psalm 51:6 Behold, THOU --DESIREST-- * Truth --in-- the *inward parts: and --in-- the *hidden part: ( our dwelling place) THOU shalt *make me *know * Wisdom.
This is the HOUSE OF JACOB; for we are all mixture of seeds all given the Same DNA, we are given hope, and free-will to chose what likeness we want to grow in.
Jeremiah 31:27 Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.
In Jeremiah 31:27 the word DAYS COME, and come, and come and come that G-D Redeems us form THEM the fallen of heaven that add their DNA to ours and beast every day that comes and comes upon this earth. They war on G-D and us. Gen.6:4, the reason of BABYLON, they set them selves up on earth as gods, the seed of G-D was going down and more of them, than the seed of G-D grew upon the earth. In Genesis we can see the ETERNAL FLAME OF G-D passing between those hybrids, giving them all hope to chose, life in G-D or death, growing in the likeness of the fathers that fell form heaven and added their DNA to take control and to have us worship them as gods.
Genesis 15:17 And it came to pass, that when the sun went down (the light that was in man), and it was dark, BEHOLD, a SMOKING FURNACE, and a BURNING LAMP that PASSED --between--those PIECES. (those hybrids G-D sow His DNA)
This Covenant we are all to keep today: For there is only ONE COVENANT GIVEN, OVER AND OVER TO US, GENERATION AFTER GENERATION.
Deuteronomy 29:14 Neither with you ONLY do I MAKE this COVENANT and this OATH;
15, BUT with HIM that standeth here with us this DAY before the LORD our G-D, and ALSO with *HIM that IS NOT HERE WITH US--THIS DAY: ( *HIM is us today in every nation and every people we were spiritual there, for G-D knows us before we are made.)
Jeremiah 33:25 Thus saith the LORD; "IF" MY COVENANT BE NOT with DAY and NIGHT, and "IF" I HAVE NOT appointed the ORDINANCES of HEAVEN and EARTH; 26, Then will I cast away the seed of JACOB, and DAVID MY servant,
Jacob and David is the Righteous Branch that will be summoned up form the mixture of DNA in Jeremiah 31:27.
The TIME is now the DAY is TODAY, you in every country in every nation COME OUT OF HER, THE LIE AND DECEIT, they have set up to take us DOWN.
We can kick them to the curb, by first starting with our own lives, like David in Psalm 101:
With G-D going into battle we have won. THE ARK, THE TABERNACLE that David built moved and it was a tent, and David took it into battle with him. We are not made by man kinds hands, NO we are made by the HANDS OF G-D and our TENT is US, and we HAVE the POWER of G-D within US.
Jeremiah 51:20 Thou art MY BATTLE AXE and WEAPONS OF WAR: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
21 And with thee will I break in pieces THE HORSE and HIS RIDER; (the fallen angels that we wrestle with in our generation that has set up in all things to bring us down).....con....and with thee will I break in pieces THE CHARIOT and HIS RIDER.
JACOB prevailed because he was persevering and determined and SO SHOULD ALL OF US BE IN EVERY NATION AND EVERY PEOPLE.
We are many nations and the Unity each nation should have with each other is brother, to brother, taking care of their Fathers House Earth as it is in Heaven, keeping our foundations in tack. For we must bridge heaven and earth as One.
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